Identity and age verification presents a number of challenges for licensed establishments such as supermarkets, grocery stores, bars and clubs.
FinGo’s VeinID biometric technology enables merchants to instantly authenticate a person’s identity and age – such as when selling age-restricted products or managing entry to the premises.
With no need to rely on ID cards, documents or device for identification, FinGoVerify reduces queue times and provides a frictionless customer experience.
Easier for businesses
Easier for customers
“Providing a safe and secure option for guests to pay, prove their age and share contact details can only be a benefit as we navigate the coming months.”
“Kuits is delighted to have advised on the compatibility of Fingopay with regards to age verification conditions for licensing purposes. We are pleased that Manchester City Council have approved the system for its use in licensed premises, and look forward to working with Fingopay and their customers as they roll out across the city.”